Once Upon A One More Time
Once Upon a One More Time is a musical based on the stories of the classic fairy tale princesses set to the music of Britney Spears. Cinderella starts the story as just a character but by the end learns how to tell her own story along with the rest of the princesses.
Sven Ortel & Shakespeare Theater Company
at Sydney Harmon Hall
Content Creation
We were met with some pretty interesting requests from the designer before the technical process even started. There needed to be realistic backdrops for the scenery, the whole wall needed to shatter at some point and there needed to be a vortex of butterflies. Using Unreal Engine and Houdini, we were able to generate convincing drafts that could be modified in the space later.
Assisting on the Show
Our member Logan Smith was able to go out to Washington DC and continue assisting on the production with more 2D and 3D animations to make the show even more alive.